Sun 270823 Stayed in...studying away all day/night long...


Sun 270823 Stayed in...studying away all day/night long...


Table of contents:-

-> 12:00 I awoke, later on, during the day...some time around midday...after having had a bad dream (restless sleep/with the TV left running in the background, frequently, awakening me...I didn't want to turn it off because I was watching a YouTube tutorial)

-> Was looking at YouTube videos...; I choose tutorials some of which were 4+ hours long.

-> Updated my GitHub repository folder relating to: Bash Shell Scripting


-> 12:00 I awoke, later on, during the day...some time around midday...after having had a bad dream (restless sleep/with the TV left running in the background, frequently, awakening me...I didn't want to turn it off because I was watching a YouTube tutorial)

I had a bad dream...part of which was related to having to deal with money worries...dreamt I was homeless/and, suffering on the streets.

I won't even bother to go into the exact details of what I dreamt...; but, let's just say it was a real 'messy' situation that I did find myself stuck in...?!

I seem to, constantly, worry about financial difficulties...all day/night long...non stop. With the house steadily crumbling down all around me; and, the endless incoming bills...; very little money available to pay these...; and, also, struggling to buy food/drink/-etc.


-> Was looking at YouTube videos...; I choose tutorials that were 4+ hours long.

With ADD/Attention Deficit certainly isn't to easy for me to stick with a 4+ hours long online tutorial for much too long; but, I do tend to study it using many 'start and stop' breaks; frequently, switching from one subject to a next.

LaTeX – Full Tutorial for Beginners

Introduction to Operating System | Full Course for Beginners Mike Murphy 🌚 Lecture for Sleep & Study

Data Analysis Example A - Data Analysis with Python

Learn Data Science Tutorial - Full Course for Beginners


-> Updated my GitHub repository folder relating to: Bash Shell Scripting


Linux, is a whole entire, and, complete OS/Operating System; and, as such it's 'huge'...??? My point is there are many 500+ page book that have been written about learning Linux platform...; thus, I'm only here just merely scratching the mere surface.

To date my only experience of using Linux is...
- Raspberry Pi, Linux...called Raspbian
- Linux Ubuntu
- Linux Mint
...but, there are ton and tons of different Linux's out there to go and learn...quite literally, 100's of different Linux flavours to choose, these include:
- Red Hat
- Kali Linux
- Arch Linux
- CentOS
- etc.; and, many other distributions I've never even ever heard of, yet? Thus, frankly, I have absolutely nil experience in ever using any of those.

I know for a fact that I haven't even 'begun' to understand all of the in's and out's of how to program/or, work with Linux, yet...? Right now, I'm attempting to work at learning the...
- Bash Scripting Shell
...but, I heard there are many more shells to go and learn:
- Korn Shell(KSH)
- CShell(CSH)
- ZShell(ZSH)
-etc.; and, I haven't even started there, yet...?

So far I'm still learning to use just 2/3 Linux editors...
- Nano (Linux Ubuntu)
- Vim (Linux Ubuntu)
- Xed (Linux Mint)
...but, there is, also:
- vi
- eMacs
- gEdit
- etc.; once again, I don't know nothing about using those, yet...? And, also, Nano/Vim/Xed...I'm not too highly familiar with how these editor works...; yes, I might have worked out how to do a few 'beginner' things, namely: open/save files/close; but don't understand how it all really works...such as how to very quickly 'delete/copy/paste' by using keyboard still a complete mystery to me.

I haven't started learning loads and loads of stuff...
- understanding all of the Linux folders/what they store/mean...?
- Networking
- Hacking
- Telnet
- etc.

So, I think, it's going to take me quite a few years to get used to learning how to use Linux, properly. The good news is, now-a-days, there are plenty of online tutorials that can help...I, especially, like watching YouTube video opposed to going out and 'buying'/reading through a 500+ page book.

Thus, I have to class myself as being a Linux 'experimenter' opposed to being a true Linux admin.
